Night Pyrotechnic Show


Night Pyrotechnic Show

The Night Pyrotechnic Skydive is our most popular show. It consists of several highly trained and specially licensed Team Fastrax™ demonstrators exiting the aircraft 6,000 feet above the earth. Brilliant white or multi-colored projectile pyrotechnics are then ignited and flown in formation, creating a dazzling display for spectators on the ground. We also have shows where we launch more than 120 one inch projectiles per jumper, putting on a spectacular display. The pyrotechnics are ignited continuously for the duration of the 5 minute show and extinguish right before the jumpers safely land in the target area.

Even more breathtaking is when Team Fastrax™ performs our High-Altitude Freefall Pyrotechnic Skydive Starburst Show! Resembling a falling meteorite, four or more highly trained and specially licensed Senior Team Fastrax™ demonstrators will jump from the aircraft at 13,000 feet. They ignite their pyrotechnics immediately after exit. Spectators will see a flaming fireball leaving a 1,000-foot trail. The jumpers freefall for 20 seconds at more than 120 miles per hour before splitting apart in a starburst formation. Once under canopy, the demonstrators will ignite even more pyrotechnics continuously until safely landing in the target area. This show normally lasts 10 minutes.

If you are looking for a show that will give you the biggest media exposure and bang for the buck, this is it. Typically, the internet will be buzzing with UFO sightings. News media will be reporting the spectacle after we jump, always mentioning our sponsor’s name.

Be sure to include our state of the art LIVE-FEED system to capture this show up close!