From Notre Dame Magazine:
Nicole Condrey ’04 is the mayor of Middletown, Ohio, a city of 48,000 people to which she had no connection until 2017, when she moved there with her husband. The reason the couple landed in Middletown — to become professional skydivers — might seem to highlight the most unusual of Condrey’s pursuits, but to her, running for office represents a much greater departure from the norm than strapping on a parachute and jumping out of an airplane.
Skydiving had brought Condrey and her husband together. When they met, Ron, an explosive ordinance disposal technician in the U.S. Navy, was a skydiving instructor who worked with Nicole’s brother. Nicole, then a foreign service officer in the State Department, wanted a skydiving license. After Ron’s 2017 retirement from the Navy, the Condreys spent much of their time together airborne, with chutes open.
They moved to Middletown to join Team Fastrax, the biggest and most active skydiving team in the country. “We said, let’s pursue this crazy dream of being pro skydivers,” says Condrey, who also serves as the general manager of Start Skydiving, based at the Middletown airport.
Read more on the Notre Dame Magazine website.