Canopy Formation
Canopy Formation Show
The Canopy Formation Show is the most dangerous and thrilling show we offer. Our highly experienced canopy pilots will exit at 7,000 feet above the spectators and fly their parachutes together to form many different dazzling canopy formations. Some popular configurations include the Four-stack, Bi-plane, Four-way Diamond and a Down-plane, which entails a 1,000 square foot American Flag flying between 2 jumpers connected by a tether as they race towards the ground at 60 miles per hour. Some of the demonstrators will wear smoke, streamers or even fly banners or flags as part of the performance. They will then land one by one or connected in a two-stack with precise accuracy.
Even more breathtaking is when Team Fastrax™ performs our High-Altitude Canopy Formation Pyrotechnic Show! Resembling something out of a transformers movie, four of our most highly trained and specially licensed Senior Team Fastrax™ demonstrators will jump from the aircraft, form a four-way diamond canopy formation and light up the sky with pyrotechnic gerbs while shooting comets and bursting rounds out of the formation.
If you are looking for an evening canopy formation show that will leave your spectators in awe, this is it. Typically, the internet will be buzzing with UFO sightings. News media will be reporting the spectacle after we jump, always mentioning our sponsor’s name.
This show normally takes 15 minutes.
Be sure to include our state of the art LIVE-FEED system to capture this show up close!